Books on Biology,Molecular Biology,Physical Science,Mathematical Biology,Histology
CliffsAP Biology - 2ND EDITION
By Phillip E. Pack, Ph.D.
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology
DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences
Hardcover: 3062 pages
Publisher: MacMillan Reference Books; 3rd edition (November 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0028657748
BIOLOGY by Peter Raven free download
Book Description
BIOLOGY is an authoritative majors textbook with evolution as a unifying theme. In revising the text, McGraw-Hill has consulted extensively with previous users, noted experts and professors in the field. It is distinguished from other texts by its strong emphasis on natural selection and the evolutionary process that explains biodiversity.
Not only has the book been thoroughly updated to reflect rapid advances, there is more emphasis today on the teaching of concepts and this has led to significant changes in how the material is presented. Technology also plays a greater role in teaching and the
Data Analysis in Molecular Biology and Evolution
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 0792375009
Author: Xuhua Xia
Data Analysis in Molecular Biology and Evolution introduces biologists to DAMBE, a proprietary, user-friendly computer program for molecular data analysis.
The unique combination of this book and software will allow biologists not only to understand the rationale behind a variety of computational tools in molecular biology and evolution, but also to gain instant access to these tools for use in their laboratories.
Data Analysis in Molecular Biology and Evolution serves as an excellent resource for advanced level undergraduates or graduates as well as for professionals working in the field.
Foundations of Systems Biology
Book Description
The emerging field of systems biology involves the application of experimental, theoretical, and modeling techniques to the study of biological organisms at all levels, from the molecular, through the cellular, to the behavioral. Its aim is to understand biological processes as whole systems instead of as isolated parts. Developments in the field have been made possible by advances in molecular biology--in particular, new technologies for determining DNA sequence, gene expression profiles, protein-protein interactions, and so on. Foundations of Systems Biology provides an overview of the state of the art of the field. The book covers the central topics of systems biology: comprehensive and automated measurements, reverse engineering of genes and metabolic networks from experimental data, software issues, modeling and simulation, and system-level analysis.
Book Description
It has been over a decade since the release of the now classic original edition of
Labels: biology, Histology, Mathematical Biology, Molecular biology, Physical Science
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