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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Free Books on Biotechnology,Nano Biotechnology,Environmental Biotechnology,Fruit and Vegetable Biotechnology,bionanotechnology

Cereal Biotechnology

Book Description
The application of biotechnology to food processing has been one of the most important and controversial recent developments in the food industry. With this in mind, Cereal Technology analyzes the practice, potential benefits, and risks of using genetic techniques in cereal processing. This major new text provides both plant molecular biologists and those in the cereal processing industries with a comprehensive overview of the subject.

Carbohydrate Biotechnology Protocols

Book Description
A compilation of modern hands-on methods using microbes and enzymes to produce and modify carbohydrates of potential and actual commercial value. These powerful methods enable both the expert and the beginner to generate polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, and carbohydrate-based surfactants by fermentation using enzymes. Additional techniques make it possible to produce derivatives of sugars, other oligosaccharides, and sugar derivatives using enzyme technology.

Biotechnology Unzipped: Promises And Realities

Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Joseph Henry Press; 2 Revised edition (September 5, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0309096219

Biotech Industry

Biotech Industry: A Global, Economic, and Financing Overview
Book Description
"The biotech industry is a complex, rapidly evolving, and critical industry. The industry holds great commercial and societal promise, but it is also filled with hype, confusion, and risks. Bergeron and Chan do a remarkable job of providing a sweeping insightful, and probing assessment of the current state and likely evolution of this global industry. This book is essential reading for the executive who desires a thorough understanding of this business and its potential."--John P. Glasser, Vice President and Chief Information Offers, Partners Healthcare System, Inc.

Biotechnology for Waste and Wastewater Treatment

Book Description
This book examines the practices used or considered for biological treatment of water/waste-water and hazardous wastes. The technologies described involve conventional treatment processes, their variations, as well as future technologies found in current research. The book is intended for those seeking an overview to the biotechnological aspects of pollution engineering, and covers the major topics in this field. The book is divided into five major sections and references are provided for those who wish to dig deeper.

Biotechnology and Communication

Biotechnology and Communication: The Meta-Technologies of Information (LEA's Communication Series)
Book Description
This volume examines the convergence of biotechnology and communication systems and explores how this convergence directly influences our understanding of the nature of communication. Editor Sandra Braman brings together scholars to examine this convergence in three areas: genetic information and "facticity"; social issues and implications; and the economic and legal issues raised by the production and ownership of information. The work highlights the sophisticated processes taking place as biotechnology and information technology systems continue to evolve.

Bionanotechnology: Lessons from Nature

Book Description
Discussions of the basic structural, nanotechnology, and system engineering principles, as well as an introductory overview of essential concepts and methods in biotechnology, will be included. Text is presented side-by-side with extensive use of high-quality illustrations prepared using cutting edge computer graphics techniques

Biological Nanostructures and Applications of Nanostructures in Biology

Book Description
Biological Nanostructures and Applications of Nanostructures in Biology: Electrical, Mechanical, and Optical Properties contains reviews and discussions of contemporary and relevant topics dealing with the interface between the science and technology of nanostructures and the science of biology. Moreover, this book supplements these past groundbreaking discoveries with discussions of promising new avenues of research that reveal the enormous potential of emerging approaches in nanobiotechnology.

The Biotechnology of Ethanol

The Biotechnology of Ethanol: Classical and Future Applications
Book Description
Focusing on the biotechnology of ethanol, this book highlights its industrial relevance as one of the most important products of primary metabolism. The text covers the most advanced developments among classical methods as well as more unconventional techniques, before going on to outline various aspects of new applications and the increasing importance of ethanol as a renewable resource. Topics covered in this unique volume include alternative raw materials, such as municipal waste and waste paper or particular crops, innovative methods of production using genetically engineered microorganisms, and the role of ethanol as both a source of energy and a valuable.

Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology, 4 Volume Set

Book Description
The field of molecular biology has revolutionized the study of biology. The applications to medicine are enormous, ranging from diagnostic techniques for disease and genetic disorders, to drugs, to gene therapy. Focusing on the fundamentals of molecular biology and encompassing all aspects of the expression of genetic information, the Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology will become the first point of reference for both newcomers and established professionals in molecular biology needing to learn about any particular aspect of the field.

Understanding Biotechnology

Understanding Biotechnology
By Aluízio Borém, Fabrício R. Santos, David E. Bowen
Publisher : Prentice Hall PTR
Pub Date : January 17, 2003
ISBN : 0-13-101011-5
Pages : 240
An objective, thorough, and accessible introduction to biotechnology.
Biotechnology will have an increasingly profound impact on human health, agriculture, the environment, and society itself. Understanding Biotechnology offers an introduction to biotechnology that is balanced, accurate, current, thorough, and accessible to both non-specialists and professionals.

Glossary of Biotechnology Terms, Third Edition

Book Description
As a result of biotechnology becoming a highly controversial area, non-technical people, such as lobbyists and public relations people, have had to quickly become conversant about a topic that is highly technical. This glossary aims to provide concise definitions of terms for readers unfamiliar to the area and for persons familiar with biotechnology to learn how the terms are currently being used. The Glossary of Biotechnology Terms is a handy reference for those with little or no training in the biological and chemical sciences because it has been written in non-technical language, and serves to bring the reader up to date on biotechnical terminology so as to communicate effectively.

Fruit and Vegetable Biotechnology

Fruit and Vegetable Biotechnology (Woodhead Publishing in Food Science and Technology)
Book Description
Genetic modification is one of the most important and controversial issues facing the food industry. Drawing on an international team of contributors, this book analyzes the major impact of biotechnology on fruit and vegetable cultivation and processing. It covers the range of traits that have been the subject of modification and provides case studies illustrating how genetic modification can enhance these traits. In addition, the book explores the vital issues of consumer attitudes and risk assessment. It is an important contribution to a key area of debate, and is essential reading for those involved in cultivation and processing of fruit and vegetables.

From Biotechnology to Genomes

From Biotechnology to Genomes: The Meaning of the Double Helix
Hardcover: 808 pages
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company; 1ST edition (December 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9810243286

Environmental Biotechnology: Theory and Application

Book Description
The application of biologically-engineered solutions to environmental problems has become far more readily acceptable and widely understood. However there remains some uncertainty amongst practitioners regarding how and where the microscopic, functional level fits into the macroscopic, practical applications. It is precisely this gap which the book sets out to fill.

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At 3:30 PM, Blogger Rich4rd said...


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By Aluízio Borém, Fabrício R. Santos, David E. Bowen"
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